Unit 3 Reading Comprehension Test Spanish Quizlet

Atmosphere of Venus

Information from the Pioneer spacecraft of NASA plainly show the theory that the loftier surface temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect caused mainly by a blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse consequence is created when energy in the class of sunlight easily passes through a planet'southward atmosphere, warms its surface, and is converted to oestrus radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere from top to bottom. Venus has a relatively thin atmosphere like the Earth's, but Venus' atmosphere consists of more than ninety percent carbon dioxide, compared to less than 4 percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher per centum of carbon dioxide, Venus' atmosphere traps much more estrus radiation than does the Earth'due south. Thus, the Venus studies are believed to be important to the understanding of possible adverse effects on the Earth's agriculture that could upshot from the long-term use of fossil fuels, which add carbon dioxide to the temper.


1. According to the passage, data from the Venus study tin can be used to ----.

A) measure out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere accurately
B) increase the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
C) exam the efficiency of the spacecraft sent to Venus by NASA
D) predict time to come agricultural problems on Earth
E) make up one's mind the topography and the surface characteristics of the Earth


2. Nosotros understand from the passage that the atmosphere of Venus ----.

A) is thinner than the atmosphere of the Globe
B) contains much more carbon dioxide than that of the Earth
C) traps less heat radiation compared to the atmosphere of the Earth
D) blocks out dangerous rays from the sunday
Eastward) is far colder than the atmospheres of other planets in our solar arrangement


3. One tin infer from the passage that ----.

A) there is no departure between the atmospheres of Venus and the World
B) the atmosphere of the Earth consists of mainly carbon dioxide
C) the more carbon dioxide in the temper, the warmer the world will tend to get
D) lack of atmosphere causes a very high surface temperature on Venus
E) Venus had once enjoyed a climate of the sort hospitable to life

How Does Encephalon Piece of work?

Theories near how brain works remain a topic of debate. Information technology is agreed, though, that the hippocampus, a part of the encephalon, is undeniably important for memory. When we feel something, the information is sent via our senses to the hippocampus, where information technology is processed. Scientists believe that brain cells called neurons get-go transform the sensory stimuli we feel into images in our firsthand retentivity. And then, these images are sent to the hippocampus and stored temporarily in short term memory. In the hippocampus information is organized, and information technology is during this procedure that parts of the image of our experience fade away. Finally, sure information is then transferred to long term memory in a section in the frontal lobe of the brain known every bit the cognitive cortex. Scientists think this process may happen while nosotros are sleeping, but exactly how the information is transferred from one area of the encephalon to some other is a mystery.


four. This reading is mainly concerned with ----.

A) how to better our memory
B) why some of the information in short term memory fades away
C) illness that results in severe memory loss
D) how human being brain processes and stores information
Eastward) the importance of neurons in transferring sensory stimuli


5. According to the passage scientists ----.

A) know that data is sent from the long term retention to the hippocampus
B) take constitute out why some of the information is lost in the hippocampus
C) don't know exactly how the data is transferred from ane expanse of the brain to another
D) hold on how the brain works
E) yet contend whether the hippocampus is important for retentivity


6. It is pointed out in the reading that ----.

A) the encephalon was not considered equally a highly complex organ in the by
B) harm to hippocampus doesn't cause retentiveness loss
C) all of the information stored in the short term is transferred to long time memory
D) hippocampus is in the frontal lobe of he brain
Eastward) scientists agree that the hippocampus is of import in processing information

People With Boggling Abilities

Fictional stories nigh people who have extraordinary abilities take ever attracted people'due south attention. I of them is the story of Vera Petrova, who is able to perceive things with different parts of her peel, and through solid walls. One twenty-four hour period she comes into his father's role and puts her hands on the door of a locked safety. Suddenly she asks her father why he keeps then many sometime newspapers locked away there. Vera's curious talent is brought to the notice of a scientific research plant and she is given a serial of tests by a special commission. During these tests she manages to read a paper through an opaque screen and so she describes the figures and colors of a motion-picture show subconscious under a carpet. During all these tests Vera is blindfolded; and, indeed, except when blindfolded she lacks the ability to perceive things with her skin. It was too constitute that although she could perceive things with her fingers, this power ceased the moment her hands were wet.


7. As we understand from the reading, Vera Petrova ----.

A) can only perceive things with her fingers
B) is a curious kid
C) is not the only fictional character who has boggling abilities
D) fails nearly of the tests administered by a special commission
E) perceives the objects only when her fingers are moisture


eight. It is pointed out in the reading that Vera Petrova loses the ability to perceive objects with her fingers ----.

A) when her father first notices this power
B) when she is asked to read a newspaper through an opaque screen
C) after she is given a series of tests
D) as presently as her easily get wet
Eastward) when the object is hidden under a carpet


nine. According to the reading, ----.

A) Vera Petrova'southward father asks her why she keeps the old newspapers in the locked rubber
B) the scientific research institute is not interested in Vera Petrova's talent
C) Vera can't perceive objects with her skin when she is blindfold
D) there are several scientific research institutes which examine people like Vera
E) the special committee is made upwards by people who can also perceive objects with their skin

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle occupies a disturbing and almost unbelievable identify in the world's itemize of unexplained mysteries. More than a hundred planes and ships have vanished in this area into the air since 1945, and more than a k lives have been lost, without a unmarried body or even a piece wreckage from the vanishing planes or ships having been found. Many of the planes concerned have vanished while in normal radio contact with their base of operations until the very moment of their disappearance, while others have radioed the most extraordinary messages, implying that they could not get their instruments to function, that their compasses were spinning, that the heaven had turned xanthous and hazy on a clear day, and the body of water, which was calm nearby, didn't expect right without further description of what was incorrect.


x. One can infer from the reading that ----.

A) the wreckages of some ships and planes have been found in the Bermuda Triangle
B) the number of incidents involving lost ships is no larger than that of any other heavily traveled region of the world
C) the ships and the planes couldn't contact with their base due to the lack of equipment
D) the weather condition in Bermuda Triangle is always stormy
E) the start mention of disappearances in the expanse was fabricated in 1945


eleven. Information technology is pointed out in the passage that ----.

A) thousands of people lost their lives in the Bermuda Triangle in 1945
B) all of the disappearances happened during the day time
C) the Bermuda Triangle mystery was solved in 1945
D) almost of the missing planes could contact with their base by their own special ways until the very moment of disappearing
E) the sea flooring near Bermuda, highly unexplored, is host to many foreign phenomena


Well Done

12. The reading mainly deals with ----.

A) why so many ships and planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle
B) the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle
C) the location of the Bermuda Triangle
D) the frequency of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle
E) the unpredictable weather conditions in the Bermuda Triangle


Source: https://www.grammarbank.com/reading-comprehension-tests.html

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