what does zaroff say to show that he places little value on human life?

The Most Dangerous Game | Quotes


The world is fabricated upward of two classes—the hunters and the huntees.


At the outset of the story, Rainsford is confident about which "class" he belongs to. Equally he says to his friend Whitney, "Luckily, you and I are hunters." Just soon Rainsford will in fact get a "huntee." Although Rainsford uses the give-and-take course, which is usually associated with human social classes, he seems to mean that the 2 classes are the humans and the animals. "The Near Unsafe Game" is partly the story of how Rainsford fights to be treated equally a human being by Full general Zaroff.


An evil place can, so to speak, broadcast vibrations of evil.


The master action of the story unfolds without any supernatural elements. Rainsford defeats Full general Zaroff by natural ways, using his mind to outwit him. Nonetheless, at the starting time of the story there are suggestions of the supernatural. Good people in the story—Whitney and Captain Nielsen—are naturally horrified by something about the island, without even knowing what it is. Risk stories make sharp distinctions between good and bad characters. General Zaroff'southward grapheme is so bad that fifty-fifty the isle in some supernatural sense is itself perceived as evil. This helps justify Rainsford's killing of General Zaroff in the end.


He did not recognize the fauna that made the sound.


Rainsford is swimming to Ship-Trap Island when he hears a "screaming sound, the audio of an fauna in an extremity of anguish and terror." Although he is an experienced hunter, he cannot recognize which animate being is making this sound. For readers non already enlightened of the basic plot twist of "The Well-nigh Dangerous Game," this is a big clue: the unidentified animal being hunted is a human. Just moments earlier Rainsford had scoffed at Whitney's notion of hunted animals being able to sympathise "the fear of pain and the fear of death." Now Rainsford is about to notice out what it is like to be hunted.


It'due south articulate that the brute put up a fight.


Rainsford has swum ashore and slept, and now he'due south exploring the island. He sees evidence of last night'southward hunt: trampled plants and traces of blood. From these signs he can tell that "the brute put up a fight." The discussion animal is used ambiguously here. Rainsford is using information technology to mean an brute. But a "animate being" tin likewise be a homo existence who lacks reason or intelligence, or who displays animal-like characteristics. Rainsford and readers volition soon notice General Zaroff considers the human beings he hunts equally worth less than many animals. General Zaroff contrasts "thoroughbred" horses and dogs with the working men of dissimilar races he hunts—"blacks, Chinese, whites, mongrels"—who he calls "the scum of the earth."


The last shot was when he trailed it hither and finished it.


The night earlier Rainsford landed on Send-Trap Isle, while however aboard the transport, he heard three shots. Then while swimming to shore, he heard the high-pitched scream of what he assumes is an animal, cut off by a pistol shot. At present he reasons that the starting time three shots were the sound of the hunter firing at and wounding his prey. The final shot must accept been when the hunter tracked down the wounded animal and "finished" it.

Not leaving a wounded animal to slowly dice is part of the hunting code, which arose in Europe to informally regulate sport hunting. Some readers may realize at this point that the hunted, slaughtered fauna was a man existence. This leads to a state of affairs of dramatic irony, which occurs when the readers know more than the characters. Readers by now might be aware the "large fauna" Rainsford heard dying was a man. This passage also points to the complicated and contradictory sense of fair play in the hunting code. If the lawmaking were truly off-white, perhaps animals would not exist hunted at all. This is suggested past the story's substitution of homo beings in the place of prey animals.


Well-nigh information technology all hung an air of unreality.


Rainsford has just arrived at General Zaroff'due south island château and is standing outside it. He contemplates "the massive door with a leering gargoyle for a knocker." By establishing a mood of "unreality" and adventure fantasy in the setting, author Richard Connell (1893–1949) prepares readers to take the implausible events to come.


I'm Sanger Rainsford of New York ... I savage off a yacht. I am hungry.


Rainsford is speaking to Ivan, the servant to General Zaroff. Ivan has simply opened the door and is pointing a gun at Rainsford. In response, Rainsford asks to be recognized as a human being with a correct to hospitality. In mentioning the yacht, he also establishes himself as someone deserving of the hospitality of some other rich human being, the owner of this château. However, as readers and Rainsford practice not withal know, Ivan is deaf and mute (and seems not to read lips). He cannot requite Rainsford the recognition he seeks. General Zaroff will likewise refuse to recognize Rainsford equally a human. Instead, General Zaroff treats him like a beast. Simply when Rainsford makes clear he is ready to fight to the expiry in Full general Zaroff's bedroom does he gain recognition every bit a human being. He does this by forcing General Zaroff to care for him every bit an enemy rather than casualty.


A unproblematic fellow, but, I'm afraid, like all his race, a scrap of a roughshod.

General Zaroff

General Zaroff is speaking of Ivan, his servant. The "vicious" race he refers to is the Cossacks, a people of Russia and the Ukraine. They were renowned in the 19th and 20th centuries for their armed services service to imperial Russian federation. Thus the savagery General Zaroff refers to is their violence. However, General Zaroff tells Rainsford he is also a Cossack. This means General Zaroff also is cruel, even though he has an air of sophistication.


We will have some capital hunting, you and I.

General Zaroff

When General Zaroff says this to Rainsford, he has not withal revealed he means to hunt Rainsford, or even that he hunts human beings at all. His statement is ambiguous. Certainly he means they'll accept some great hunting, since one of the meanings of "uppercase" as an describing word is "great" or "outset-class." But the Latin root of "capital" means "head," and Full general Zaroff is planning to add together more human being heads to his collection. Additionally, "capital" also ways "involving execution," equally in capital punishment. Rainsford does not nonetheless know General Zaroff's hunting involves killing people, but readers are probably beginning to suspect it past this bespeak.


Hunting had ceased to be what you call 'a sporting proposition.'

General Zaroff

General Zaroff is commenting on the manner his skill at hunting led to information technology becoming too easy. "I e'er got my quarry. Ever," he remarks. Since the animals stood no gamble, it was no longer "sporting," in the sense of being fair. However, it is not a sense of fairness that leads General Zaroff to become disenchanted with hunting. The ease of information technology bores him, and even seeking exotic game similar jaguars does nothing to assuage his colorlessness. Simply General Zaroff does not reject hunting because of this. Instead he seeks out more dangerous prey: human beings.


Hunting? Good God, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.


General Zaroff has but revealed to Rainsford that he hunts human beings. The conflict between General Zaroff and Rainsford is nigh the difference between sanctioned and unsanctioned violence. The tradition of hunting for sport and nutrient means killing animals is permitted. But killing other man beings goes against nearly all ethical systems in civilisation except for sanctioned punishment for crime.

Yet, as a moral indictment of General Zaroff, Rainsford's statement is a picayune thin. The entertainment value of the story is in watching Rainsford use wit and violence to righteously triumph over the evil General Zaroff. At the finish, some other entertaining twist comes from Rainsford's replacing General Zaroff as lord of the château. The story is not like a "novel of ideas," a genre of fiction in which characters typically debate ideas with each other and plot is less important than ideas. In "The Nearly Dangerous Game," the contrast between hunting and murder is of import as a basic engine of the plot. Then Connell gives readers still more entertainment in the ambiguity of the human action by which the main graphic symbol, Rainsford, frees himself. Readers cannot exist certain, in the end, whether Rainsford has get a murderer but as morally reprehensible as Full general Zaroff. But this ambiguity, similar the debate between Rainsford and Full general Zaroff, is mainly offered up every bit entertainment to stay in the reader's mind long after reading the story, a question which may well accept no generalized reply.


Life is for the strong, to be lived by the stiff.

General Zaroff

Rainsford and General Zaroff are having dinner and discussing General Zaroff'due south practice of hunting human beings. Rainsford has just refused General Zaroff's invitation to hunt that nighttime. If Rainsford had accepted, they would have hunted another homo being, one of the shipwrecked sailors Full general Zaroff stocks his island with. Full general Zaroff, still hoping to bring Rainsford around, offers his ideas about hunting humans. Not only is life "to exist lived by the strong," according to General Zaroff. Life is also to be "taken by the stiff" if necessary.

General Zaroff'due south ideas are an example of social Darwinism, a theory that man beings compete for domination and survival. Social Darwinism, popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, applies the ideas of English language scientist Charles Darwin (1809–82) to man societies. Darwin proposed that living beings evolve by a procedure called "natural selection." This means living organisms accommodate to their environment by selectively reproducing changes in their genetic makeup. So differences in survival or mating success tin lead to the best-adjusted organisms prevailing over the sick-adjusted ones. Social theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries practical this to individual human beings and to human being civilizations or man cultures. The strong cultures would outlast or dominate the weak ones. British philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820–1903) called this "survival of the fittest."


I expect rather fair sport—a big, strong black. He looks resourceful.

Full general Zaroff

General Zaroff is describing the sailor he intends to hunt, a hunt Rainsford declines to join. General Zaroff is plainly excited nigh the prospect of hunting this sailor, whose strength and resourcefulness hope he will exist challenging prey. This excitement is expressed in General Zaroff'south phrase "rather fair sport," meaning, through understatement, "pretty expert hunting." Only General Zaroff's words also play on another significant of "fair," that of being merely. General Zaroff'due south "fair sport" is entirely unfair, since he is amend armed and not terrified for his life.


I am worried, Mr. Rainsford. Terminal nighttime I detected traces of my one-time complaint.

General Zaroff

General Zaroff'due south "old complaint" is boredom. He became so good at hunting animals that it was "no longer a sporting proposition." He ever caught his casualty, and this left him bored. He alleviated his boredom by "invent[ing] a new animal to hunt," the human being. Human beings can reason, and so they volition make a expert match for him, General Zaroff thinks. However, the sailors he lures to his island do not present such a challenge later all. He has never nonetheless lost a game, he tells Rainsford. This means he is in the aforementioned state of affairs he was in while hunting nonhuman animals. The sailors don't know well-nigh hunting. They are non proficient strategists, and General Zaroff captures them easily.

Rainsford represents a promising advance. Every bit a world-renowned hunter, he volition make an fantabulous match for General Zaroff's game of "outdoor chess." However, this as well shows the unsustainability of General Zaroff's hunger for intelligent human casualty. He cannot count on luring globe-famous hunters to Ship-Trap Isle every day. At that place is no solution to General Zaroff's "former problem" because General Zaroff is a nihilistic hedonist. He values nothing only pleasure, and pleasance is bound to be emptily repeated until it ceases to be pleasure.


Trust me ... I will give you lot my word every bit a gentleman and a sportsman.

General Zaroff

General Zaroff has just explained the rules of the hunt. If Rainsford survives iii days, General Zaroff volition "cheerfully acknowledge [himself] defeated," and his boat will take Rainsford to the mainland. When Rainsford does not immediately agree to these rules, General Zaroff responds as though the problem were his trustworthiness. He tries to reassure Rainsford that, as "a gentleman and a sportsman," he will proceed his word and take him to the mainland if Rainsford wins. Only Rainsford objects to being hunted at all; he volition not be reassured by knowing General Zaroff means to hunt fairly. What counts every bit being fair to animate being casualty, such every bit letting them go if they're clever at eluding the hunter, is not a fair way to care for other man beings. Past existence "a gentleman and a sportsman," Full general Zaroff is besides being inhuman.

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