When Can Blue Nose Pit Females Have Pups

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Breeding your pit bull can be a rewarding experience if done safely and properly. If you have decided that you want to have puppies, you should consider your options carefully. Be sure to responsibly breed the dog to prevent health and temperament problems. Keep an eye on your dog during pregnancy and labor to make sure that there are no problems. Remember that you will be responsible for the puppies for up to eight weeks after their birth, so be prepared to give them extra love and attention.

  1. 1

    Determine why you want to breed pit bulls. Think carefully about the reasons why you want to breed your pit bull. Perhaps you want puppies, or maybe your pit bull is a purebred. Breeding a dog can be expensive. You will have to take good care of your pregnant female, pay for multiple vet visits, and supervise the puppies during their first weeks of life. Make sure that you are dedicated to the idea before you begin.

    • Pit bulls are one of the most commonly surrendered dogs. In some areas, they can compose up to 40% of the homeless dog population, and many of these dogs are euthanized in shelters. Adopting a pit bull can not only be a cost effective option for many people but it can also save a life.[1]
  2. 2

    Research your local laws. Some areas have breed-specific laws that outlaw the ownership or breeding of pit bulls. Even if pit bulls are allowed in your town, you may be required to muzzle them while out. Look up your local laws, and make sure that you comply with them.[2]


  3. 3

    Ascertain what breed you want. There are several different breeds of dogs collectively known as pit bulls. If you want a particular breed of pit bull, you should make sure that both parents are of that breed. If you do not do this, you may have a mixed litter. The most common breeds of pit bulls include:

    • American Pit Bull Terriers
    • American Staffordshire Terriers
    • Staffordshire Bull Terriers
    • You may want to check that the parents are registered with the American Kennel Club. This will ensure that the parents are purebred and that they really belong to their breed. It will also increase the value of the puppies if you are planning on selling them.
  4. 4

    Test your dogs for genetic problems. Even if your dog has no outward problems, recessive genetic disorders can arise during breeding. You should have both the female and male dogs genetically tested to look for any potential diseases that could arise. While pit bulls are not known to have many problems, they can face the following issues:

    • Hip Dysplasia
    • Elbow Dysplasia
    • Autoimmune Thyroiditis
    • NCL-A (Cerebellar Ataxia)
    • Eye problems
    • Heart problems[3]
  5. 5

    Locate potential adopters. Before you begin the mating process, you should find homes for the puppies first. Realize that you might have a litter of seven to ten puppies, and each will need a home. If you start looking for homes early, you can find a replacement home should a potential adopter back out.[4]

    • You can advertise online, through a local kennel club, or through your vet.
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  1. 1

    Hire a stud. If you do not have a male pit bull, you can hire a stud from another breeder. You will have to pay stud fees and negotiate a contract with the owner beforehand. The stud can physically mate with your female dog, or he can be used for artificial insemination.

    • Local kennel clubs can put you in touch with reputable breeders. Always make sure that you are hiring from a reputable, responsible breeder.
    • Ask to see the dog, and verify its temperament first. Make sure it has no aggression or behavioral problems.
    • If you are looking to breed purebred puppies, be sure to ask for proof of the stud's pedigree up front.
    • Always make sure to have a written contract between you and the breeder beforehand.
    • The owner of the stud may request that your dog is tested for disease first.[5]
  2. 2

    Take the pit bulls to the vet. Before you try to mate the dogs, you should have the dogs examined by a vet. Talk to your vet about your plans to breed the pit bulls. The vet will be able to examine the dog for common problems and let you know if the dogs are ready to mate.

    • If you are hiring a stud, you should ask the stud's owner to take the stud to a vet. Ask for documentation showing the stud's health, including any potential health or behavioral problems that could pass onto the puppies.
    • The vet can also provide personalized advice on your dog's diet, health, and exercise over the course of the pregnancy.
  3. 3

    Watch for the female to go in heat. Female pit bulls tend to go into heat twice a year, and each one will last about three weeks.[6] During this, you will notice that her vulva is swelling and discharging liquid. Your pit bull cannot mate until about two weeks into this cycle. At this point, you may notice that:

    • Her discharge is turning from a bloody red to clear or brownish.
    • She is beginning to show interest in mating.
    • She is releasing a smell that will attract male dogs
    • Her tail moves to the side to make room for a male dog.[7]
  4. 4

    Introduce the female to the stud. Leave the female and male pit bulls together. You may notice the male mounting the female. The male will begin to thrust, and then remain attached to the female for between ten and thirty minutes. Do not attempt to separate the dogs at this point. This is a natural part of the mating process.[8]

    • If you have hired a stud, you may find it to be easier to take the female to the male. This is because the male may be less likely to mate in an unfamiliar environment than a female in heat.
  5. 5

    Test the female dog's progesterone levels. If you are having difficulty mating pit bulls, you may want to check the progesterone levels of the female. Progesterone is a hormone that is released when the pit bull is ready to mate. This test can help you find the proper timing for breeding or it can diagnose a problem that might interfere with breeding. Ask your vet if you can have your dog tested.

  6. 6

    Consider artificial insemination. Dogs can be artificially inseminated too. You can use a stud that you have personally chosen, or you can use semen from a sperm bank that has been frozen. Ask your vet if they offer reproductive services for dogs or if they can refer you to someone who can provide you this service.

    • If you are using frozen semen, you may want to check that it has been DNA certified by a kennel club.
    • Artificial insemination can cost hundreds of dollars. Freezing and storing semen may incur additional costs.
  7. 7

    Confirm the pregnancy. You may notice a growing appetite, larger nipples, or an increase in weight in your pit bull. These are not surefire signs of pregnancy, however. The only way to be absolutely certain that a dog is pregnant is to have her checked out by a vet. Typically, a blood test or ultrasound will be performed. This test can typically be done between 28 and 32 days after the dog has mated.[9]

    • A false pregnancy is one in which the pit bull displays the typical pregnancy behaviors but is not pregnant. If you suspect your pit bull is pregnant, take her to a vet and have her tested. A false pregnancy may be the sign of another problem.
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  1. 1

    Give the mother a well-rounded diet. You do not necessarily have to feed your dog significantly more during pregnancy. Instead, make sure that she is receiving a well-rounded diet with adequate amounts of calcium and phosphorus.

    • In the last few weeks of pregnancy, gradually increase your pit bull's food by 15 to 20%.[10]
    • You can feed your dog a store-bought dog food. Read the nutritional information, and make sure that it is at least 29% protein and 17% fat.
    • Check that her food contains calcium and phosphorus to promote lactation. It should have between 1-1.8% calcium and .8-1.6% phosphorus.[11]
  2. 2

    Find a whelping box. A whelping box is a special bed that your dog will give birth in. You can buy a whelping box from a pet store or online. You can also build your own. Place the box in a warm, dry area, where the dog can rest quietly after giving birth.

    • You should line this box with newspaper when your dog is preparing to give birth. These can be changed easily when soiled. After birth, you can replace it with bath mats or blankets.[12]
    • Once the whelping box is ready, you should lead your dog to the box. Do this early in the pregnancy so that your dog grows comfortable and used to it. This will allow the dog to naturally select the whelping box when giving birth.
  3. 3

    Determine the litter size. There are a few different ways to estimate the dog's litter size during pregnancy. While none of these are completely accurate, they can help you prepare for the number of puppies you may have at the end of your dog's pregnancy. Ask your vet about:

    • Abdominal Palpitation: beginning at around day 28 of the pregnancy, your vet may start to feel your pit bull's stomach to see how many sacs are in her uterus. This is easier earlier in the pregnancy than later.
    • Radiography: your vet will use X-rays to count how many fetal skeletons are in your dog's uterus. This is the most effective way of determining litter size. It can be done around day 45 of the pregnancy.
    • Ultrasound: your vet will use sound waves to determine if your pit bull is pregnant, although it may not be able to accurately determine the litter size. It can be done around day 30.
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  1. 1

    Watch for the mother to go into labor. A few days before your pit bull is ready to give birth, she will start to build a nest in her whelping box. Start taking the dog's temperature. You may notice a drop to below 100 °F (38 °C). Within twenty-four hours of this change, the dog's cervix may dilate. This means she is ready to give birth.

    • In most cases, your pit bull will need no assistance in giving birth. That said, you should supervise the birth closely in case a problem arises.
  2. 2

    Count puppies and placentas. When the puppies are born, they will be inside membrane sacs. Your pit bull should begin licking them. This will help the puppies breathe while removing their sacs. You should try to make sure that there is one sac and placenta for every puppy. If there isn't, there may be a placenta stuck in your dog. Call your vet if this happens.[13]

    • If your pit bull does not remove the sack, you should open it yourself. With your fingers, gently break the membrane near the puppy's head, and peel it backwards. Remove any fluids from around the puppy's mouth and nose. You can rub the puppy with a towel to help it breathe.
  3. 3

    Consult a vet if a problem arises. You should be alert for any problems that might arise during your dog's delivery. Have the vet's number handy just in case something goes wrong. You may even want to have an emergency number in case the puppies are born during off hours. Call your vet if:

    • Thirty minutes of contractions happen without a puppy appearing
    • The dog does not go into labor within twenty-four hours of her temperature dropping
    • The dog has been pregnant more than seventy days
    • The dog appears to be in extreme pain
    • Hours pass without the dog giving birth to all of her puppies
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  1. 1

    Feed the mother plenty of food. During the first day or two, the mother may not want to eat much. That said, her appetite will return. By three weeks, the mother may be eating up to four times her normal diet. It is important that the mother eats frequently. Break up her food into four meals throughout the day.[14]

  2. 2

    Get the puppies their shots. Between six and eight weeks, the puppies will need their first round of shots. You may decide to get them their shots before sending them to their new homes. Be sure to remind the new owners that the puppies will require more shots at ten weeks. Shots needed at six weeks vaccinate against:

    • Distemper
    • Measles
    • Parainfluenza
    • Bordetella[15]
  3. 3

    Wean the puppies. The puppies will be ready to wean from their mother's milk at around three or four weeks of age. Mix a puppy milk replacer with an equal amount of water. With your finger, wet their mouth with this mix. After a few days, you can crumble puppy food into this mixture. Your puppies should be eating solid food only by six weeks old.[16]

  4. 4

    Socialize the puppies. It is important to socialize pit bull puppies while they are young. This can prevent aggression later in life. Whether it is deserved or not, pit bulls do have a reputation of being an aggressive breed, but that does not mean that your puppies will turn out that way. You can prevent aggressive behavior through training and handling.

    • Hold, play, and interact with the puppies often.
    • Separate puppies if they are fighting, mounting, or biting.
    • Introduce the puppies to strangers often.[17]
  5. 5

    Deliver the puppies to their new homes. Once the puppies are weaned, they will be ready to go to their new homes. This will typically be around eight weeks of age. Contact the new owners, and make sure that each puppy has a home to go to.

    • Do not abandon un-adopted puppies at a shelter. Shelters are already overwhelmed with pit bulls, and your puppy may be euthanized.
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  • Question

    My pit bull seemed to have a miscarriage, then a few days later she had a stillborn pup that she ate. A few weeks later she seems fine. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    You should take her to vet for an examination. She may have reproductive problems and it might be best to have her spayed.

  • Question

    Can I breed my female pit bull during her first heat?

    Community Answer

    No, this is not safe for the dog, as her body is more than likely not ready to birth puppies, and it may cause complications. It is best to wait until her second heat at the very soonest.

  • Question

    I tried breeding my female pit bull, but she appeared to get angry and aggressive every time the male tried to mount her. Is this normal? Should I wait to breed her, or not breed her at all?

    Community Answer

    The female is not ready yet. It could also mean she is not at the right stage in her heat.

  • Question

    How long is a pit bull pregnant?

    Community Answer

    A pit bull pregnancy lasts about 63 days, but it can take anywhere from 58 to 71 days. A pit bull pregnancy that lasts 72 days or more is not normal, thus a veterinarian usually induces labor.

  • Question

    What will the female do if it is ready to mate?

    Viktor Henry

    Viktor Henry

    Community Answer

    Like all dogs, a female pit bull will want to be near male dogs. Around them she will be more playful and meet a lot of different dogs, trying to find a mate.

  • Question

    How old should a female be before breeding?

    Community Answer

    Around two years of age, which typically allows for any genetic issues to have manifested or been tested for.

  • Question

    How old does a male dog have to be before mating?

    Community Answer

    The youngest age to safely breed a male pitbull is 12 to 15 months.

  • Question

    How long does a pitbull puppy have to remain with its mother?

    Community Answer

    It may take two to four months. It depends on what the breeder thinks. I got mine at 4 months because the breeder wanted the puppy to be with the mother as long as possible.

  • Question

    My female pit bull is a mix, and I want to breed her with a real pit bull; what are the possibilities of puppies?

    Community Answer

    Depends on the amount of pit in her. The purebred pit DNA would take over and water down the genetics of the other breed (that your dog is mixed with). The pups will still be mixed, but they will look more like pit bulls.

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  • Always talk to your vet about your plans to breed your pit bull. Have them on call in case a problem develops.

  • It is very important that puppies can nurse in their first twelve hours of life. Make sure that all puppies have an even chance of getting milk from their mother.

  • If you are planning on breeding purebreds, you may want to have them registered shortly after birth.

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  • Don't try breeding the female in her first heat cycle after birth. Give her some time to recover.

  • Always try to find homes for puppies. Do not abandon them in shelters, which may already have too many puppies to care for.

  • Taking the puppies away from the mother too soon can cause behavioral or health problems.

  • It is very important to socialize pit bull puppies properly. This can prevent future aggression problems.

  • Always listen to your vet's advice about whether or not your pit bull is ready to breed.


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Article Summary X

To breed your pit bull, start by taking the dogs to the vet to ensure they're healthy enough for breeding. Then, wait until the female pit bull is in heat, which you'll notice by the swelling of her vulva and her tail moving to the side. At that point, introduce her to the male and give them time to mate. Once the dogs have mated, wait about a month before having the vet test the female to see if she's pregnant. For tips on how to look after a pregnant pit bull, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Breed-Pit-Bulls

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