Ehat to Do When You Miss Formula Feeding Baby

When it comes to feeding your baby, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then adding solids and continuing with breast milk until your baby is 1 year. At that point, it's a matter of personal preference (and the preference of your baby) how long breastfeeding continues.

There's no age at which it's recommended to start weaning, which is the process of switching your baby's diet to other foods and drinks. However, many moms choose to wean sooner rather than later for a wide range of reasons. If your baby is under a year old, and you choose to wean, you should replace that breast milk with infant formula.

Because the formula aisle is enough to make any sleep-deprived parent's brain hurt, we analyzed the price and nutritional components of more than 80 baby formulas to determine the best products. Product details and pricing are accurate as of the publication date. See how popular baby formulas stack up in our list of the Best Baby Formula 2021.

Top Reasons for Switching from Breast Milk to Formula

"Some moms wean because of low milk supply, or they're going on a medication," says Dana Bloomburg, a certified nurse practitioner with The Midwife Center in Pittsburgh. She continues, "[A] baby may have trouble getting a good latch or be difficult to nurse."

Going back to work is another common reason women decide to wean.

"They may not have a clean, safe place to pump, or their colleagues may not be supportive," says Anne R. Eglash, M.D., a board-certified lactation consultant, family physician, co-founder of the American Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and clinical professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. "And some women face challenges with nursing that cause them a lot of stress."

Regardless of your situation, you can rest assured in your decision as you follow this guide to weaning your baby from breast milk to formula (and if you'd still like to continue breastfeeding some of the time, we'll help you make that work, too).

9 Steps to Successful Weaning

Check in With Your Pediatrician or Family Physician About Formula

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As you prepare to make the switch, you need to choose a baby formula. "Ask your pediatrician or family physician what type to give your baby," says Dr. Eglash. "It doesn't matter what brand you buy. Formulas don't vary that much, and they're all highly regulated."

As you take your baby's physician's recommendations into account, familiarize yourself with the most popular categories of baby formula:

  • Cow's milk-based formula: The most common formula, milk-based formula, is made from proteins in cow's milk with added lactose or other sugars and oils. Some milk-based formulas are treated in such a way that make them easier for babies to digest. Babies receive all the nutrients they need in the early stages of development from milk-based formulas. Most babies do well with this type of formula.
  • Soy-based formula: This type of formula contains soy protein in lieu of cow's milk protein, and replaces lactose with sucrose or glucose. According to the AAP, there is no reason to choose soy-based formula over milk-based formula, except for a few situations. Soy formula is recommended for children with an extremely rare disorder called galactosemia. Discuss your baby's symptoms with their doctor, who may recommend a hydrolyzed formula. According to the AAP, there is no evidence that soy-based formulas help with colic or fussiness.
  • Hypoallergenic formulas:These cow's milk-based formulas feature proteins that are broken down into smaller proteins via a process called hydrolysis. The proteins are so small the body doesn't recognize them as cow's milk, making them suitable for babies with allergies to milk protein who react with skin rashes or wheezing caused by allergies. You may see phrases like "hypoallergenic " or "extensively hydrolyzed" on their labels.
  • Specialized formulas:These formulas are typically for infants who were born premature, or have certain conditions, such as infants with heart disease, malabsorption syndromes and problems digesting fat or processing certain amino acids.

Aim for a Time of Stability

If possible, start the weaning process when your family isn't navigating any major disruptions. For example, hold off if your baby is teething or sick. Of course, it's difficult for any family to find a time that's completely stress-free. There may never be the perfect time to wean, so use your best judgment based on what you know about your baby.

Find the Right Bottle

If you've been pumping, you may have already found a bottle your baby likes. If not, you certainly have a lot of choices. Bloomburg suggests trying a few different types, as babies' preferences differ. "For example, you might want to experiment with a wide neck and a narrow neck bottle," she says.

Nipples also come in a variety of shapes and materials, and finding one that works for your baby may be a process of trial and error. Nipples come in different stages as well, depending on the age of your baby.

For instance, there are "slow-flow" bottles specifically designed for younger babies, which can prevent the baby from taking milk too fast, leading to overfeeding, spitting up and excessive weight gain. However, Dr. Eglash notes that there's no regulation of what "slow flow" means.

"Studies show that what counts as 'slow flow' varies by brand, so experiment to find one that works for your baby."

Put Breast Milk in Bottles First

Adjusting to a bottle will be easier for your baby if it's filled with the familiar taste and smell of breast milk. If you have time in your weaning process, start by filling a bottle with expressed breast milk. You can try offering a bottle of prepared formula. If your baby dislikes the taste, use mostly breast milk with a little prepared formula in the bottle, and gradually use more formula and less breast milk. As your baby gets used to the bottle, gradually increase the number of daily feedings that feature formula instead of breast milk until your baby is using formula exclusively.

Get Other Caregivers Involved

If your baby has never had a bottle, Bloomburg recommends someone besides you be the one to handle the first few bottle feedings.

"Let your partner be the first one to offer the bottle, or another familiar caregiver," she says. "Otherwise, your baby may refuse the bottle and insist on nursing."

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Try Paced Bottle Feeding

When you (or another caregiver) introduce the bottle, Dr. Eglash recommends a technique called paced bottle feeding, which controls the flow of milk or formula and can make it easier for your baby to consume.

As your baby sucks on the bottle, your baby should drink comfortably without gulping or choking.

"When your baby stops sucking, tilt the bottom of the bottle down so the nipple faces upward, preventing further flow of milk," says Dr. Eglash. "When your baby starts sucking again, tilt it back up. This method makes it easy for your baby to take breaks and resume feeding when ready."

Slowly Drop Feeding Sessions

If possible, give yourself two or three weeks or more to make the transition from breastfeeding to formula, and start by replacing one breastfeeding session with a bottle feeding—ideally one that your baby will miss the least.

"Usually the mid-afternoon feeding is the first to go, and the feeding before bedtime is the last to go," says Bloomburg. "Your breasts may be full and uncomfortable for a few days, but if you're consistent, your body will stop producing milk at that time."

You can express a little milk to relieve feelings of fullness, but don't empty your breast entirely—otherwise, your body will continue to produce milk. This gradual process also reduces the risk of mastitis, a painful infection caused by blocked milk ducts.

Consider Partial Weaning

Breastfeeding doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing experience. For instance, you can try combination feeding, which means your baby breastfeeds and receives some formula, too. For example, you can breastfeed during the day and give formula at night. Or breastfeed when you're with your baby and use formula when you're separated.

"You may be able to nurse mornings, evenings and weekends, or whatever days you have off, if they're consistent," says Bloomburg.

However, she cautions that your milk supply has to already be established before this method will work. Having an established milk supply means that you are able to produce enough breast milk to meet your baby's needs.

Find Other Ways to Stay Close With Your Baby

Breastfeeding is about more than just nutrition. The skin-to-skin contact you and your baby share is part of what makes nursing so satisfying. So make a point of snuggling and being physically close to your baby as much as possible as you wean. If you have an older baby, you may want to spend more time playing on the floor, reading and enjoying other activities that keep you close. Infant development is enhanced by social interaction— maintain that connection for the sake of their health, too.

How to Take Care of Yourself During the Weaning Process

As you phase out breastfeeding, you may feel a rollercoaster of emotions—a sense of loss, joy, sadness or a mix of all three.

"This is a time when self-care is really important," says Dr. Eglash. "Do things that give you a sense of well-being. That's different for everyone, so do what works for you, whether it's exercising, seeing friends or playing the piano. No matter what, feel good about the breastfeeding you were able to do."

Bloomburg adds, "I'll see moms who feel a lot of guilt, saying, 'I only breastfed my baby for four months.' I'll say, 'What do you mean? You breastfed your baby forfourmonths. You did a great job getting your baby off to a healthy start.'"

And remember, your child's need for nurturing is far from over. There are many ways in the months and years to come that you will help your child thrive with your love and attention.

Bestselling Baby Formula on Amazon


Weaning . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed 04/27/2021.

Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk . American of Pediatrics News and Journal. Accessed 04/26/2021.

Choosing an Infant Formula . Healthychildren. Accessed 04/24/2021.

Use of Use of Soy Protein-Based Formulas in Infant Feeding . American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed 04/29/2021.

Infant Formulas . Medline Plus. Accessed 04/27/2021.

Questions & Answers for Consumers Concerning Formula . U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Accessed 04/24/2021.

Pados B, Park J, Dodrill P. Know the Flow: Milk Flow Rates From Bottles Nipples Used in the Hospital and After Discharge . Advanced Neonatal Care . 2019.

Establishing Your Milk Supply . International La Leche League Canada. Accessed 04/27/2021.


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