Family Guy Quest for Stuff Camp Not Showing Up

Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, it'due south off to Military camp Chaos we go!!!

TinyCo have dropped a long, hot, summer kind of Event into our giddy lil games and it'southward stuffed full of all sorts of goodies to get us all hot and bothered.

Merely for some of you this event hasn't just got you reaching for the Cistron 50, it'south as well got some of you coming out in hives with frustration or hunting for a microscope in order to try read the result info text on your devices, so I thought what tin can I practice to help? How near I bring you a postal service that simply talks about all the issues and brings you lot some hopefully readable images of the data boxes for the effect so far. Hopefully this will articulate up some of the frustration and confusion. So that'south all this postal service will exist, if you're looking for anything else y'all'll discover more than information in the following posts.


Infirmary & Campers 101 – Click Here
Campsite Store 101 – Click Here
Campsite Wars 101 – Click Here
Camp Mess Hall – Coming Shortly
Principal Questline – Click Here

And maybe the near important quick link of this outcome to engagement – WHAT THE DEUCE!!!

***UPDATE 7/one: Hi guys, I stockpiled a few Water Balloons over last 2 days in club I could exam a theory, and please bear in listen this is JUST a theory. I basically suspected the energy meter level seemed to make the divergence in whether I won or lost a Camp War, and my suspicions proved correct after I did a few tests battles. Firstly I'm battling with a L2 Army camp Prankster, L2 Pop Girl, L1 Campfire Homo and Scoutmaster Peter every bit a Leader. And I only won the tougher Streak 5 and 6 battles and started to button rival campers back towards their camps when I upgraded my energy production button to the MAX, so even although I only needed to upgrade information technology plenty to release Bivouac Homo at 200 energy in the wars I continued to upgrade it, thus allowing my energy bar to fill quicker and this is what appears for me to have made the difference between being trapped by their campers in my ain Camp, and pushing them dorsum and allowing my Campers to invade their camp. On the attempts I only upgraded to the 200 free energy bar, I lost, in the battles I upgraded information technology to Max, I won. I tested this at Streak 5 & Streak 6, and after in one case I've Water Balloons I'm going examination it at Streak 7. Is information technology coincidence or is this the strategy yous demand, well I can't say for sure but I think if y'all're struggling try information technology yourself and let me know if it helps, I hope it does – Russian Tigger***


Ok, we've reported back to TinyCo that the visuals for the Camp Wars are not very clear for some of yous, no there at all for others and that the Font used is causing issues in both being able to exist read on some devices and that the 1 & 7 are too similar, and causing defoliation. TinyCo have said they are looking at this and volition be making changes to simply the Camp Wars and help ensure the visual bug are clearer, nosotros volition hopefully come across that update early on next week. Watch this infinite!!!

TinyCo have released a Video Demo to effort help explicate things:, does this help?

Unable to take function in Camp Wars due to needing a Leader, I myself hit this issue at Streak 3 & Streak 4, but this is no longer a problem, TinyCo accept removed the necessity to take a Leader in Camp Wars, the use of the Cannon is now optional, so y'all tin battle on whilst you unlock Scoutmaster Peter & Kid Quagmire. However remember for some of the higher streaks it will be difficult to win without the Cannon, however I managed Streaks ane, 2, , iv with just the freemium Campers. At Streak 5 which I just won, the Cannon came in handy I must admit.

When yous used a Leader in a Camp War they and then went into a cool downward for eight hours, so basically you lot couldn't use them in a Military camp State of war again until the 8 hours was up. This has been decreased to 3 hours and y'all'll now see a petty timer icon on the Leaders icon so you know that's why they aren't available.

Still seeing reports of this, please keep reporting his to TinyCo, nosotros've had no update on this issue as still from TinyCo but we'll keep on at them well-nigh it, but delight give us all the info you tin near the outcome.

This is at present resolved and the timer should be counting down until the finish of the upshot at present.

Braces are an extra rare drop so don't look quick drops on these, I have yet to run across 1 drop in my game, merely remember you'll take ii characters and eventually a building that drops these, and the task time is just 2 hours so hopefully we'll encounter the drops start soon. I'll be monitoring it in my game and plainly if the drops don't come I'll have Bunny bouncing on TinyCo quicker than a deport can clear a military camp.

Many of you lot are reporting you've had this Questline pop upwards, I'thou not seeing it personally, and as you lot've already installed FWOT the task to download it is not checking as complete. I'm having this brought to TinyCo's attending and will update you when I get word of their response.

And so that's the main issues as of now, and I know there'south a lot of grumpiness over TinyCo not listening to feedback, but hopefully the to a higher place shows you we exercise take your issues to them and on this occasion TinyCo are responding with a prepare, or a ready is impending. So keep giving us your thoughts and feedback in the comments, and if yous want to vent simply head over Hither.


Now I mentioned in a higher place that many of you are reaching for the microscopes to try read the event info, to try help, hither's all the information boxes so far, I've tried keep resolution as high as WordPress allows in hope you may be able read them better here. Sorry if you lot still can't.

There you take the overall information I tin give you on the bug that are hampering Wet Hot Quahog Summertime.

What do you think of it and so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Any items y'all are almost excited for? Any items you lot immediately purchased? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger


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